Thursday, August 30, 2012

my opinions: comparing ps2 and ps3

      The playstation 2 was king of its day and almost everyone had one. Every time I went to gamestop I got excited about a new game that came out I had no idea about. Whether it was metal gear solid 3: snake eater, a new lord of the rings game, or even when I found out star wars battlefront was in stock after I had been waiting for months to play it (even though I had already had the second game to the series). My all time favorite game was Tak but as more games came out, they seemed to get worse and worse to my disappointment. These days were so exciting and surprises were everywhere. Now, you find out about a game 2 years before the release date, I think twice before I buy a game now that they are 60 dollars and overall the ps3 games seem shorter.

     Controller: The controllers of both the game systems are very similar. The only major differences are that dualshock 3 controllers are wireless and have improved R2 and L2 buttons. The wires to my ps2 controllers seemed to always get in the way and it was the worst when people tripped over them. I remember one time my Dads friend (That everyone hated, including my dad) tripped over the wire, knocking the ps2 off the shelf, opening up the disc slot, and my brand new GTA: San Andreas fell out breaking it. I will never forgive Moe (The guys name) for the destruction of my brand new and favorite GTA game. The worst part is that he didn't even say sorry! In fact, he yelled at me for not warning him about the cord.
     After that, I bought a wireless controller. These things were junk and always broke on me. It was terribly annoying when the batteries fell out and they were near impossible to put back in. Still they were an improvement from the stock controllers because I didn't have to worry about Moe. I hated that they didn't have vibrate so I ended up just switching back to the stock controller. Now that I think of it, the ps2's vibration feature was much stronger then the dualshock 3's. I remember playing metal gear solid, a specific cutscene that went off, and I left my controller on the floor. The whole floor started shaking and I couldn't believe how powerful the vibration feature really was. Overall the dualshock 3 definitely defeats the dualshock 2, even though the dualshock 2's vibration was much better. 1 point to ps3.

Memory cards: ugh, don't even get me started on these things. I never realised that you could delete game saves so I had to get a new one every 3 months or so. Each one costed like $50 and I had to save up just to play the new game I had just got. Im glad the ps3 now has internal storage, it has saved me a lot of trips to Wal-Mart. 1 point to ps3.

Games: I loved how back in ps2 days you never knew what to expect when you went to gamestop for a new game. Well, at least I didn't. Maybe there would be a new tak, hopefully a battlefront 3 (sadly, this still hasn't happened) maybe even a call of duty. Now you know what you're getting before you go and you know everything about the game. There is no surprise. Hopefully GTA 5 will be a big surprise and we won't know everything about it before release date. Another thing I loved about ps2 games were the price. You could go to the store with 30 dollars and somehow end up with 10 used games! It was crazy and I always impressed my parents at how good of a shopper I was. I would sit in gamestop for hours picking out my games I wanted. Going through the hundreds of games and the $5 shelf. I would go to the mall sometimes, find a couple of dollars in my pocket, and end up with a new video game! It was awesome and really brought me joy. Sure ps3 games have better graphics but I liked the overall gameplay of ps2 games. 1 point ps2.

Online: I never played online until my ps3. It took my a year to figure out how to get it to go online and when I finally figured it out I had plugged it into my router. I never knew it was wireless. I elt a mixture of proud and stupid when I got it to work wirelessly. Online obviously goes to ps3 because ps2 never really had online. 1 point ps3.
       Overall, PS3 wins the battle but I still love PS2.
Tell me about your experiences in the comment section below

New metal Gear Solid game announced!

Lots of new metal gear solid news today!

Movie: I'll start with the new movie unveiling. Hopefully this movie will have a high budget and won't turn out like most video game movies do... but we can hope for the best and maybe it will turn out good.

Metal Gear solid social ops game: Not much news has been unveiled about this but it is for GREE.

New game: The new metal gear solid game is called metal gear solid: Ground Zeroes. Exciting news was that it was an open world game! It uses the fox engine and platforms haven't been confirmed, but a demo was running on a PC. In the demo it started with a cutscene (all realtime), then it went into gameplay. Snake killed a guard while avoiding searchlights. He got into a jeep then called or evac. It was a huge game according to mark Mcdonald who was at the show and everything was open world. Wow just writing about this blew me away.

Something smells a little fishy about this... could it have been for the PS4? Tell me what you guys think.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

how to be good at video games according to kids

More and more kids nowadays are playing games. Favorites among children are call of duty or halo and can get very annoying for real gamers.

1. First get a mic and turn the voice changer on to make your voice higher! Now people will want to play with you. Make sure you talk as loud as you can and scream whenever you die. Claim that whoever kills you is purposly trying to ruin your gaming experience and scream at them. They are jerks anyways! Cry as often as possible as this might make people feel bad and let you kill them.

2. Tell everyone that they suck! They suck for killing you and they should be sorry. Swear when your parents aren't listening under your breath. Call everybody a noob because your 3rd prestige anyway!(on your dads account) They are clearly inferior to you.

3. Don't listen to your parents when they tell you to get off of cod. Cry and scream and then when they threaten to punish you whine and whine and ask what you did. Continue to disobey. Tell your parents your doing really good and you killed somebody all on your own so they should let you continue playing.

4. Don't follow the objective. Never do what you're supposed to do. Instead focus on trapping other players in corners, spinning around, or randomly shooting.

Leave a comment and tell me if this is the same way kids behave when you try to game

What do you guys think?

Hey everyone! Im new here and could you give me a little review of my blog? What you like, things you dont like, things i could add. Im all ears so give me a comment and i'll be sure to read it

Every new gta 5 screenshot

value for playstation gamers is increasing

 Playstation is trying harder then ever to create great value for its customers. Nearing the end of this generation of consoles and the next gen game consoles coming close, sony is getting the most value out of the ps3.
Playstation plus instant game collection - At E3 this year, sony announced that PS Plus subscribers would have access to an ongoing rotation of games to download. There are many different titles offered in the EU store’s game line up including Deus Ex: Human Revolution, inFamous 2, Dead Space 2, Borderlands, LittleBigPlanet 2, and Motorstorm Apocolapse and more.
Cross-Buy for Vita - This great deal will offer customers who buy participating PS3 games will get a free copy of the game on the Playstation Vita. Some of the first cross buy games are Ratchet and clank: QForce (Full frontal Assault in North America), Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal, and Sly Cooper: Thieves in time. If a gamer owns both versions of the game then they will be able to take their game-on-the-go via cloud save syncing. Playstation gamers are not going to be disappointed.
The Essentials range - the essentials range was recently announced at gamescom and it includes some of ps3′s most popular games for only $30. Some titles include Uncharted, infamous, and little big planet. You can expect to see more titles released for this great new deal.
With a rumored PS3 super slim playstation is setting up an extremely affordable console.

borderlands 2 trailer

skyrim hearthfire trailer

Become a family man with the new Skyrim DLC

   Hearthfire DLC- This new downloadable content is coming out september 4th for xbox 360. You will be able to purchase a plot of land, then build your own house on it. You can customize it to your liking. Decorating the interior, adding an alchemy lab, making a greenhouse to grow plants are all examples of of customization. When you first start out you build your house room by room with various materials you find around the game. It's basicly minecraft, skyrim style. Some more cool things you can do is add a dock for fishing, grow a garden, and even have your own cattle. You can have a full blown farm if you want, it's up to you. Trophy rooms are also included to show off all the fierce enemies you have defeated, complete with mounted mudcrabs! You can hire npcs to decorate your house, place music, and even drive you around.

Adopt a child- Another cool thing the DLC allows you to do is adopt your own children. You can neglect your children while you play Skyrim and neglect your Skyrim children! You move your chosen spouse into your house to really complete the whole family aspect. However, everything is not fine and dandy in skyrim and you will have to protect your family from various enemies.

The best part about this DLC is that it's only 400 microsoft points. No news has been announced on whether or not it's a xbox 360 exclusive and no one knows for sure when IF this dlc will come out for ps3 or pc.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nest gen consoles at E3 2013

New consoles are bound to come out soon and many gamers can't seem to wait, while others are scared of empty pockets. Here are some reasons why the new consoles are coming out in 2013.

Wii u - While sony and Microsofts new consoles are being held top secret, the Wii U has already been announced. This means ps4 and xbox 720 can't be too far away or they will suffer financial losses. Wii u doesn't seem to offer anything much that we haven't seen before and certainly won't sell as well as the original Wii did. The Wii u has just caught up to the other consoles that are 6 years old in terms of graphics and Nintendo has to step there game up before they end up like the SEGA.

PC - Pc continues to grow as the current consoles are becoming outdated with there old hardware and more and more people are switching to pc. If you look at Battlefield 3 as an example, the Pc version clearly dominates the console versions.

Xbox 720 - More and more rumours continue to put gamers into a frenzy of excitement over the next consoles. A developing kit for the next xbox has been sold on ebay for $10,000 and it hasn't been confirmed on whether or not it's real but if it is the games are in development which means we can expect the games to be done by next year when the console releases.

PS4 - Playstation 3 was released after the Xbox 360 but sony claims it is the better product. Sony made a statement earlier this year that "We are not always the first, we are not always the cheapest, but we are always the best" we can assume that sony is saying they will not release alongside the xbox 720 and   will probably wait 6 months to 1 year to release the ps4 ater the xbox 720. We will have to wait and see how this strategy works out, because it didn't do too well with the ps3.

The new consoles are clearly in development and games are rumoured to be. We might have already seen some gameplay from the new consoles with games like watch dogs, or star wars 1313. All we can do is wait, fingers crossed, for an announcement.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Will black ops 2 break sale records?

Currently call of duty is one of the best selling game series ever. Breaking pre order sales records everytime a new title is released. The question is, however, how long will this continue?

 Engine - Call of duty games are made on a very old engine. This engine has been hevealy updated over the years but it doesnt compete with newer engines like frostbite 2. If Call of Duty doesnt get a new engine soon it will start to lose popularity over competing first person shooters. Black ops 2 has been anounced to have the same engine. Some fans don't mind this and they don't see a need for another engine, but, others were disapointed.

Repetitive gameplay - Call of duty's gameplay hasn't improved much since cod 4. I was very disapointed when i first played mw3 because it just felt like mw2 with new maps and guns. I'm currently debating on whether or not to get blops 2. It does spice up the gameplay by going futuristic but after seing the multiplayer gameplay it looks a lot like old cod games.

Futuristic warfare - while some people love the new idea other gamers are turned off by the fact it takes place in the future. Most people that buy every call of duty title released strictly because its another "cod" won't mind but for gamers who don't like changes, it will be a no go.

Personaly I like the idea of it being futuristic but after the gameplay i've seen i can conclude it is nothing new and worthy.

new mw3 survival glitch

In the new free dlc map terminal i have discovered a cool glitch. on the way up the blow up escape route on the airplane run on it and jump to the left near the wing but go on the crate. Then go prone and crawl towards the wing. you will all into a glitch area and can get kills but you cant be killed. This only works in survival mode. Its best to have a co op partner so you can get ammo